mandag den 22. september 2008


- a poetic performance, a moving picture and a room
for those on the other side.

a room that is being lit up is cracking | the jewellery is falling to the floor
| the white curtains are flapping , the heavy door is slamming | and
someone is coming | who hasn’t been here before | or has been away for
a long time or | always has been here but |

”To slowly make someone immortal” is a performance and
an art installation rolled into one.
A 3-dimensional interpretation of the Norwegian poet,
Vilde Heggems book “Akkurat her er det det verker”
(Right Here is Where it Aches).
The text has left the paper, and exists as a voice in the room.
A space sometime populated by a performer, a child and a
singer who moves between different objects, for then to disappear.
The room is slowly in a constantly movement.

The audience may choose to stay in the room or leave it and
maybe come back later.

Concept, direction, installation:
Jon R. Skulberg

Origami: Phuc Van Dang
Text: Vilde Heggem
Manuscript: Jon R. Skulberg
Singer: Christina Dahl
Performer: Malou Louise Lindblom
Production: Performance on Paper, 2008
Audio producer: Pete Lamberto
Translation: Marie Lindskov

Duration: 240 min
Location: Trans - Port, Godsbanen, Århus. 10.10.08, 21.00

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